(833) 233 3266
Frequent questions

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What is your average price range to remodel a home?

Our prices depend on the amount of remodeling and in which sectors of the house will be carried out, taking these factors into account, our services range between $7,000 - $15,000

What do you recommend to increase the value of my property through a remodel?

A house in good condition, beautiful and comfortable will always be sought after, we can help you so that your house, building or dwelling can meet all the requirements for customers to come to it and can considerably increase its value

Why is it necessary to remodel and what are the benefits?

A remodel can help improve the functionality of a house, either by adding new rooms, reconfiguring existing spaces or modernizing basic services, taking into account that these changes could increase the price of the building, facility or house.

How can I protect my house when remodeling?

Always before beginning any modification, we recommend measures that can be taken to take care of your home during a remodeling:
• Cover your furniture with old clothes or plastic to prevent it from getting dirty or damaged.
• Close doors and windows to keep dust and dirt out of areas of the house that are not being remodeled.
• Set aside your personal belongings before you begin the remodel to prevent them from being damaged.
• And in some cases, use mats and floor protectors in the areas where you will be working to avoid scratching or damaging the floor.

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Frequent questions

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Who are your services for?

Our services are for everyone who owns homes, businesses, houses for sale, people who need real estate agents or homes or apartments that need electrical services or some type of remodeling.

Can you remove trees?

Of course we can remove a tree, the more we know that trees are wonderful, they provide shade, beauty and wildlife. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to remove a tree because it may be diseased or attacked by pests, the tree is damaging other structures, or is a risk to people.

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We are not only responsible with our clients and shareholders, but also with the community and the environment in which it operates. This includes making ethical and sustainable choices and being a good neighbor in the community.


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